Wood Badge NE-IV-218 needs more people

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Wood Badge NE-IV-218 needs more people

Postby biglou » Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:46 am

I am just reposting something I got in my personal e-mail. If you have not attended Wood Badge and would like to, this would be a great opportunity.

Hello Fellow Scouters and Wood Badgers,

I am writing this evening to request your help in recruiting participants for the upcoming Wood Badge course August 17-22 at Camps Bucoco and Agawam near Slippery Rock, PA. For those of you that have participated, please pass on the word about Wood Badge, the ultimate training experience for scouters. For those who have never participated, please visit www.mtcwoodbadge.org for more info or to register. At this time, we have 15 participants enrolled. We must have a minimum of 25 to hold the course. Please don't let this happen. I encourage everyone who hasn't taken this course to enroll. Any scouter from any council may enroll so please pass the info along ASAP. Thank you for your time.

Yours In Scouting,
Kathy Boland
Scribe, NE-IV-218
Big Lou

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