Totin' Chip card

How to get it, why you should get it, and how it will help.

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Re: Totin' Chip card

Postby razor_strop » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:08 pm

FrankJ wrote:If you fail a locking blade knife, I expect you are using it in a way it was not intended.

Believe it or not, nearly all instances were due to manufacturing/material defects, which one would probably expect from the cheap "Made in China" models (that seem to make up much of the selection at various summer camp trading posts, sadly), but also from mid-range companies (e.g., Gerber, CRKT, Buck, Benchmade, etc.). I've spent lots of time replacing blade stops and washers, and properly file-fitting locks on "trading post" knives after summer camp in an effort to provide the Scouts with a folding knife with a bit more safety. Of course, I quickly follow this up by showing them a $10 fixed-blade puukko-style Mora (or equivalent) that probably cost less and is more reliable than the finger-guillotine I just adjusted for them. :wink:
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Re: Totin' Chip card

Postby FrankJ » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:45 pm

I suppose ones that fail because of poor quality are out there. They belong in the garbage can though because ones that do not are out there for the same price.

I do not have an issue with a short fixed either.
Frank J.
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Re: Totin' Chip card

Postby Vulture in OKC » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:58 am

per Boy Scout Requirements
This certification grants a Scout the right to carry and use woods tools
(emphasis mine). Nowhere does it say this is a Scouter or leader award.
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